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내 강아지가 뒷다리로 땅을 차는 이유는 무엇입니까?

 2016 년 11 월 9 일 lucy
많은 개 소유자는 그들의 개 친구가 제거한 후에 그들의 뒷발로 땅에 찢을 때 당혹 게합니다. 종종, 그들은 행동이 고양이의 것과 비슷하다고 가정합니다 - 그들의 멍청이가 엉망진창을 덮으려고합니다. 하지만 진실과는 거리가 멀다. 자신을 제거하는 행위가 귀하의 개가 자신의 영역을 표시하는 방법 중 하나이기 때문에 따르는 발 뒤섞음도 마찬가지입니다.

Foot scraping is a relic of dogs’ past, when their wild ancestors needed to mark off vast swaths of territory. Compared to humans’ 5 million scent glands, dogs have a whopping 125 to 300 million— meaning their sense of smell is magnitudes higher than our own. Dogs have glands in their feet that secrete pheromones—chemical signals that help animals communicate with each other— and a few backward scratches in the dirt releases those chemicals into the area and the noses of other hounds. This likely came in handy when our canines’ relatives needed to mark and protect territories too large to for them to patrol on a daily basis. Feces loses its scent once it dries out, after all, but the scent from dog’s feet lasts longer. This not only may have helped our canines’ ancestors protect valuable hunting grounds, but also guard fertile pack mates.
애완견의 발 긁기는 거의 항상 배설물이나 소변을 따라 가며, 의식을 둘러싼 애완 동물의 행동을 고려할 때 의미가 있습니다. 모든 소유자는 개가 자신의 의무를 수행하기에 완벽한 장소를 골랐기 때문에 참을성있게 기다렸습니다. 없애는 것은 개가 자신의 향기를 뒤에 남기는 한 가지 방법 일 뿐이고, 뒷다리를 긁는 것은 자신의 영토 신호에 두 배가되는 Fido의 방식입니다. 이것은 지배력을 주장하는 것이 아니라 재산을 표시하기위한 것이기 때문에 성별의 개와 다양한 기질을 가진 개가 발바닥을 긁는 것과 관련이있는 것으로 알려져 있습니다.
뒷다리 긁기는 정상적인 비파괴적인 행동이므로 강아지의 습관을 바꿀 필요가 없습니다. 실제로, 당신의 애완 동물이 일반적으로 발을 밟고 갑자기 멈추는 경우에만 우려의 원인이되어야합니다. 행동 변화는 애완 동물의 이동성을 방해하고 도로 아래에서 더 심각한 문제로 이어질 수 있음을 알릴 수 있습니다. 그러나 개과 동물 동반자가 정상적으로 사업을 계속한다면, 당신의 얼굴에 흙이나 더 심한 것을 앓은 후에 픽업을하기 전에, 당신의 유일한 관심사는 허리를 멈추기를 기다려야합니다.


Dwight  - Comment
Dwight 02 월 2020 일Reply
My dog does it after he urinates or defecate. I don't mind so much in our yard, but when I walk him he does it every time he stops and makes his territory. He just doesn't want to stop and can be pretty destructive. He is 8 yo and has only started it about a year ago.
Bev - Comment
Bev20 Jan 2021Reply
Sure she kicks her hind legs after bathroom use, but tonight out of no where she started kicking her hind legs running around inside home then lay down for few minutes then run around and doi it again. She doesn't seem to want go out for bm .. feeling puzzled
Taddy - Comment
Taddy20 Jan 2021Reply
My dog doing same thing and he started today
Kathryn Baylis - Comment
Kathryn Baylis13 Mar 2021Reply
OK, but what if my dog does this even if he’s not eliminating? And will sometimes do it on hard enough surfaces, and long enough, to sometimes make his feet bleed? Also, he sometimes does it on backwards circles. I took video of it and showed it to my vet, and he said he’s never seen behavior like that.
It’s almost like it obsessive; like he zones out and does it until you physically stop him, then he just snaps out of it. He was a rescue straight off the street, so I don’t know his history. I suspect he may have either been born with a brain defect, or sustained a head injury that brought it on.
Any ideas?
Linda Bird - Comment
Linda Bird13 Apr 2022Reply
We have a little (pug x chihuahua?) rescue dog aged 11 months who scratches her hind feet on the floor when you talk to her or if another dog has a toy she wants - almost as a frustration release. She has neurological damage from untreated distemper as a pup which has left her hyperkinetic and I think is why she displays this unusual behaviour......
Lorrie Maiorano - Comment
Lorrie Maiorano23 May 2017Reply
I love when my little Pomeranian does this! She does it when she is playing and getting Rowdy … she likes to do it when she wants something to like she wants to be the boss ! I love it so cute!
Kathy - Comment
Kathy30 Jul 2022Reply
My shishon does this when she wants attention. That is the ONLY time she does this. She is tearing up my carpet because the force is so strong. But like I say the only time she does this is when I am on the computer, telephone or watching tv and she isn't getting attention, lol

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